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Home > SR44 vs LR44:What's The Difference?

SR44 vs LR44:What's The Difference?

Last Updated on March 4,2024 by Kevin Chen

SR44 vs LR44What's the difference?


SR44 battery vs LR44

Are you planning to buy button cell batteries? There are two options that you are likely to come across, especially if you are keen on getting 1.5V button batteries. These are the SR44 and the LR44 batteries. While the two have many striking similarities, they also come with an array of differences. So, which one should I choose?

The core purpose of this article is to help you make the right decision between SR44 vs LR44 batteries. We will discuss their features and differences.  From this discussion, you will be in a perfect position to know which is the perfect button cell battery for your application.  

SR44 Overview

SR44 are button cell batteries whose main chemical composition is silver oxide material. They are widely used on small electronic products and can provide adequate electric energy to perform different functions. These batteries are designed to maintain a stable voltage of 1.55V for the whole period of their discharge cycle.  The high levels of stability through which they discharge power are among the main reasons why they are suitable in their respective application areas, especially when accuracy is an important factor. In addition to accuracy, SR44 batteries are more reliable and consistent than the SR44 batteries.

SR44 vs LR44: Chemical composition

The basic difference between these two batteries is based on their chemical composition. SR44 comprises silver oxide hence the “S” on its name. On the other hand, LR44 comprises of alkaline chemical composition hence the “L” in its name.

SR44  batteries have silver oxide (AG20) as the positive electrode and zinc as the negative electrode. On the other hand, LR44 has manganese dioxide (Mn02 as the positive electrode and zinc as the negative electrode

What is the difference between these two chemical compositions? Silver oxide batteries tend to deliver better electric performance and are fairly stable in different environmental conditions. While alkaline batteries are known for their high reliability, they tend to have a sloping discharge curve. This means that they have a fast discharge rate of the electrons. When we compare the two, it means that the LR44 is likely to discharge faster than the SR44 battery when used in the same application.

SR44 vs LR44: Performance characteristics

Which is a better performer between the two batteries? SR44 has a better performance thanks to its chemical composition. It has a stable voltage output,  while at the same time a flat discharge characteristic. On the other hand, the LR44 battery has a slope discharge profile. The difference in performance means that SR44 is more suitable for performance-oriented applications.

SR44vs LR44: Cost

SR44 batteries are more expensive than the LR44 batteries. This is mainly because silver oxide is more expensive than alkaline chemicals. This means that if you are looking for affordable batter, you will be safe with the LR44. However, you should also consider other factors other than just the cost of the battery. One of them is performance and reliability. If the battery delivers better performance and is more reliable,  then it is worth spending extra money on it. Additionally, you should check out reputable button cell battery distributors as they are known for stocking these products at reasonable prices.

SR44 vs LR44: Battery lifespan

Lifespan is one of the key factors that most buyers consider when buying button battery cells. Of the two, which one is likely to last for long? SR$$ batteries tend to have a longer battery life than LR44. This is possible mainly because of the high energy density of silver oxide. Despite having the same physical dimensions, silicon oxide can store more energy than is needed by a battery.

SR44 vs LR44 equivalents

What are some of the alternatives to these two batteries?  Beyond the size, the equivalents to the LR44 battery cells tend to have similar chemical properties. It also implies that they are interchangeable.

The equivalents to the LR44 include A76, AG13, LR1154, and 157. The chemical composition of all these batteries is alkaline and has voltage ratings of 1.5V. Their current capacities range between 110 to 130 mAh.

The equivalents for the SR44 include:  CR44, SR44W,357, AG13,G13, A76,PX76, 1166a,675,V13GA  and LR44H. These batteries come in different chemical compositions. Some are pure alkaline batteries while others feature other elements such as zinc and silver oxide.

SR44 vs SR44:  Are they interchangeable?

Since SR44 and LR44 have the same physical size and dimensions, you can easily assume that they are interchangeable. This is because either can fit into the battery compartment of the other battery. In reality, SR44 and LR44 are not completely interchangeable. This mainly stems from the fact that there are key differences in their power and other technical specifications.

SR44 battery has higher capacity and voltage than the LR44 This means that they deliver different levels of power when incorporated in real-world applications The difference in their chemical composition can also lead to a difference in their performance. Overall, while the two may be physically interchangeable, you should not expect the same performance.

Table summary of SR44  vs LR44

Let’s summarize the information above in this table

Feature and Specification

SR44 Battery

LR44 Battery

Chemical composition

Silver Oxide


Battery types


Button coin cell


1.55 volts

1.5 volt


150 mAh



Longer lifespan

Shorter lifespan






5.4 mm


2.5 grams

2.5 grams


Relatively higher



Widely available in electronic stores

Widely available


Watches, toys, calculators, cameras, and other small electronics

Small electronics such as toys, cameras, remote controls



Now that you know the differences between SR44 and LR44, what next? You should make the next move of buying the right battery for your business.  In case you are planning to buy button cell batteries in bulk, you should be keen on their differences so that you don’t end up making a wrong decision.  Furthermore, you should always get your batteries from the right sources. This is where Rantle East Electronic comes in. We are a global distributor of original SR44 and LR44 batteries. We source them directly from the best manufacturers around the world. Talk to us directly and we will be glad to deliver quality battery cells from reputable brands.

Kevin Chen
Founder / Writer at Rantle East Electronic Trading Co.,Limited
I am Kevin Chen, I graduated from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2000. I am an electrical and electronic engineer with 23 years of experience, in charge of writting content for ICRFQ. I am willing use my experiences to create reliable and necessary electronic information to help our readers. We welcome readers to engage with us on various topics related to electronics such as IC chips, Diode, Transistor, Module, Relay, opticalcoupler, Connectors etc. Please feel free to share your thoughts and questions on these subjects with us. We look forward to hearing from you!
Home > SR44 vs LR44:What's The Difference?

SR44 vs LR44:What's The Difference?

SR44 vs LR44What's the difference?


SR44 battery vs LR44

Are you planning to buy button cell batteries? There are two options that you are likely to come across, especially if you are keen on getting 1.5V button batteries. These are the SR44 and the LR44 batteries. While the two have many striking similarities, they also come with an array of differences. So, which one should I choose?

The core purpose of this article is to help you make the right decision between SR44 vs LR44 batteries. We will discuss their features and differences.  From this discussion, you will be in a perfect position to know which is the perfect button cell battery for your application.  

SR44 Overview

SR44 are button cell batteries whose main chemical composition is silver oxide material. They are widely used on small electronic products and can provide adequate electric energy to perform different functions. These batteries are designed to maintain a stable voltage of 1.55V for the whole period of their discharge cycle.  The high levels of stability through which they discharge power are among the main reasons why they are suitable in their respective application areas, especially when accuracy is an important factor. In addition to accuracy, SR44 batteries are more reliable and consistent than the SR44 batteries.

SR44 vs LR44: Chemical composition

The basic difference between these two batteries is based on their chemical composition. SR44 comprises silver oxide hence the “S” on its name. On the other hand, LR44 comprises of alkaline chemical composition hence the “L” in its name.

SR44  batteries have silver oxide (AG20) as the positive electrode and zinc as the negative electrode. On the other hand, LR44 has manganese dioxide (Mn02 as the positive electrode and zinc as the negative electrode

What is the difference between these two chemical compositions? Silver oxide batteries tend to deliver better electric performance and are fairly stable in different environmental conditions. While alkaline batteries are known for their high reliability, they tend to have a sloping discharge curve. This means that they have a fast discharge rate of the electrons. When we compare the two, it means that the LR44 is likely to discharge faster than the SR44 battery when used in the same application.

SR44 vs LR44: Performance characteristics

Which is a better performer between the two batteries? SR44 has a better performance thanks to its chemical composition. It has a stable voltage output,  while at the same time a flat discharge characteristic. On the other hand, the LR44 battery has a slope discharge profile. The difference in performance means that SR44 is more suitable for performance-oriented applications.

SR44vs LR44: Cost

SR44 batteries are more expensive than the LR44 batteries. This is mainly because silver oxide is more expensive than alkaline chemicals. This means that if you are looking for affordable batter, you will be safe with the LR44. However, you should also consider other factors other than just the cost of the battery. One of them is performance and reliability. If the battery delivers better performance and is more reliable,  then it is worth spending extra money on it. Additionally, you should check out reputable button cell battery distributors as they are known for stocking these products at reasonable prices.

SR44 vs LR44: Battery lifespan

Lifespan is one of the key factors that most buyers consider when buying button battery cells. Of the two, which one is likely to last for long? SR$$ batteries tend to have a longer battery life than LR44. This is possible mainly because of the high energy density of silver oxide. Despite having the same physical dimensions, silicon oxide can store more energy than is needed by a battery.

SR44 vs LR44 equivalents

What are some of the alternatives to these two batteries?  Beyond the size, the equivalents to the LR44 battery cells tend to have similar chemical properties. It also implies that they are interchangeable.

The equivalents to the LR44 include A76, AG13, LR1154, and 157. The chemical composition of all these batteries is alkaline and has voltage ratings of 1.5V. Their current capacities range between 110 to 130 mAh.

The equivalents for the SR44 include:  CR44, SR44W,357, AG13,G13, A76,PX76, 1166a,675,V13GA  and LR44H. These batteries come in different chemical compositions. Some are pure alkaline batteries while others feature other elements such as zinc and silver oxide.

SR44 vs SR44:  Are they interchangeable?

Since SR44 and LR44 have the same physical size and dimensions, you can easily assume that they are interchangeable. This is because either can fit into the battery compartment of the other battery. In reality, SR44 and LR44 are not completely interchangeable. This mainly stems from the fact that there are key differences in their power and other technical specifications.

SR44 battery has higher capacity and voltage than the LR44 This means that they deliver different levels of power when incorporated in real-world applications The difference in their chemical composition can also lead to a difference in their performance. Overall, while the two may be physically interchangeable, you should not expect the same performance.

Table summary of SR44  vs LR44

Let’s summarize the information above in this table

Feature and Specification

SR44 Battery

LR44 Battery

Chemical composition

Silver Oxide


Battery types


Button coin cell


1.55 volts

1.5 volt


150 mAh



Longer lifespan

Shorter lifespan






5.4 mm


2.5 grams

2.5 grams


Relatively higher



Widely available in electronic stores

Widely available


Watches, toys, calculators, cameras, and other small electronics

Small electronics such as toys, cameras, remote controls



Now that you know the differences between SR44 and LR44, what next? You should make the next move of buying the right battery for your business.  In case you are planning to buy button cell batteries in bulk, you should be keen on their differences so that you don’t end up making a wrong decision.  Furthermore, you should always get your batteries from the right sources. This is where Rantle East Electronic comes in. We are a global distributor of original SR44 and LR44 batteries. We source them directly from the best manufacturers around the world. Talk to us directly and we will be glad to deliver quality battery cells from reputable brands.