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Home > What is a CR1220 Battery?

What is a CR1220 Battery?

Last Updated on April 30,2024 by Kevin Chen

What is a CR1220 Battery?


Are you looking for the right battery for your electronic device? Perhaps this time you should consider getting a CR1220 battery. It's one of the most common coin cell batteries that are used for a wide range of applications, especially in modern electronics.

CR1220  is a lithium manganese dioxide coin cell battery that is designed to meet the IEC standards for batteries.

In this standard and nomenclature, the ‘C’  denotes the chemical composition of the battery, which is lithium metal that serves as a negative electrode while the manganese dioxide serves as a positive electrode.

The ‘R’ on the name denotes that the battery has a cylindrical shape. This applies to all other cylindrical battery types. For example, the square-shaped batteries will have the “F” letter.

The ‘12’ stands for the diameter of the battery, which in this case is 12.5mm.  The ‘20’ stands for the height of the battery, which is 20mm.

CR1220 is used in most digital products where it serves as CMOS. However, it is still used as the main power source in some application areas. As a CMOS, it is mainly used for controlling the memory modules.

Keep reading as we get deeper into everything that you should know about CR1220. By the end of this guide, you will be in a perfect place to buy and choose the best CR1220 batteries from reliable suppliers and distributors.

CR1220 Specifications

Here is a summary of the CR1220 battery specifications

· Chemical composition: Lithium/Manganese dioxide (Li/Mn02)

· Positive electrode: Manganese dioxide

· Negative electrode Lithium

· Diameter: 12.5mm

· Height: 2.0mm

· Nominal voltage 3.0V

· Rated Capacity 40mAh

· Cutoff voltage: 2.0 V

Even as you pay attention to these specifications,  you should keep in mind that the exact figures may vary depending on the manufacturer. Additionally, confirm the power requirements of your products and the specifications of the battery. Ensure that they are compatible. 

Features and advantages of CR1220 batteries

Here are some of the notable features of CR1220 batteries that you should know:

· High voltage: With a nominal voltage of 3V, the battery provides adequate energy to power different devices.

· The battery has a very low self-discharge rate, a key factor that contributes to its reliability

· High weight-to-power ratio. Supplies more power despite being lightweight

·  Suitable for a wide range of applications

· Stable performance in different temperature ranges

· High voltage stability: The battery is designed to maintain constant and stable voltage for an extended period.

What are the limitations of the CR1220 battery?

 Power capacity is one of the biggest limitations of the CR1220 battery. With a voltage rating of 3V, it cannot be used in applications with higher power requirements.

CR1220 batteries are not rechargeable. Once it depletes its capacity, you will have to dispose of them.

CR1220 battery equivalent

When it comes to choosing and using coin cell batteries, there is always an allure of getting alternatives. So, what are the perfect alternatives to the CR1220 battery?

As we have seen from the specs,  CR1220 measures 12mm and 2.0mm. This alone implies that the alternative batteries should have the same dimensions. Once you have confirmed the size factor, the next thing is power requirements and specifications.

Here are some of the most common CR1220 alternatives:

· DL1220: This is also a lithium-ion coin cell battery that has the same specifications as the CR1220 battery. It also has a nominal voltage of 3V and its dimensions are similar to the CR1220.

· Energizer ECR1220: Manufactured by  Energizer, this is another lithium-based battery that you can use in place of the CR1220.

· BR1220: BR is a non-rechargeable battery that you can also use in the place of CR1220 battery

· SB-T13 battery: This lithium battery is manufactured by different brands including Duracell. It is an ideal equivalent of the CR1220.

Applications of CR1220 batteries

Given their size and properties, here are some of the most common applications of CR1220 batteries:

· Electronic toys: These batteries have sufficient energy to power most electronic toys in the market. It can power functions such as lighting and even mechanical forces that are needed in these toys

· Car keyless entry systems

· Calculators

· Glucose monitors: These are devices used for testing the level of blood sugar. The small sizes of these batteries make it possible to do so. Other than the primary functionality, the battery can even power the display unit.

· Cardiac pacemakers

· Hear-rate monitors

· Memory backup devices

· Electronic watches

What kind of application or product are you building? In case it will require a reliable coin cell battery, then you should consider choosing CR1220 batteries.

CR1220 Manufacturers

Who are the largest manufacturers of CR1220 batteries?   For years, Panasonic was the biggest manufacturer of the CR1220 batteries. However,  many other players have jumped into the game and now we have several manufacturers.

Other than Panasonic, we have other reputable brands such as Toshiba, Renata, Murata, Energizer, and many others. China hosts a good number of manufacturers.

Reputable distributors and suppliers always source these batteries from the best manufacturers.  So, when it comes to buying, you should inquire about the brand of the battery. This is why it is always advisable to work with such suppliers in case you want to get quality and original CR1220 batteries.

In some cases, you may request a supplier to get you CR1220 from specific manufacturers. Take your time to know what each manufacturer has to offer. This will give you an upper hand when it comes to placing orders.


Now that you know all the essentials about the CR1220 battery, you can proceed and get one with full confidence. All you need is to analyze the specific needs of your application and then get the right battery to deliver performance and as well as reliability.

One way of ensuring that you get a high-quality CR1220 battery is by choosing to work with the best suppliers and distributors. This is quite important especially if you intend to buy CR1220 batteries in bulk. We at ICRFQ are always ready to help you when it comes to purchasing coin cell batteries. We source our CR1220 batteries from the best suppliers around the world. You should proceed to contact us and we will be glad to work together so that you can get exactly what you need.

Kevin Chen
Founder / Writer at Rantle East Electronic Trading Co.,Limited
I am Kevin Chen, I graduated from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2000. I am an electrical and electronic engineer with 23 years of experience, in charge of writting content for ICRFQ. I am willing use my experiences to create reliable and necessary electronic information to help our readers. We welcome readers to engage with us on various topics related to electronics such as IC chips, Diode, Transistor, Module, Relay, opticalcoupler, Connectors etc. Please feel free to share your thoughts and questions on these subjects with us. We look forward to hearing from you!
Home > What is a CR1220 Battery?

What is a CR1220 Battery?

What is a CR1220 Battery?


Are you looking for the right battery for your electronic device? Perhaps this time you should consider getting a CR1220 battery. It's one of the most common coin cell batteries that are used for a wide range of applications, especially in modern electronics.

CR1220  is a lithium manganese dioxide coin cell battery that is designed to meet the IEC standards for batteries.

In this standard and nomenclature, the ‘C’  denotes the chemical composition of the battery, which is lithium metal that serves as a negative electrode while the manganese dioxide serves as a positive electrode.

The ‘R’ on the name denotes that the battery has a cylindrical shape. This applies to all other cylindrical battery types. For example, the square-shaped batteries will have the “F” letter.

The ‘12’ stands for the diameter of the battery, which in this case is 12.5mm.  The ‘20’ stands for the height of the battery, which is 20mm.

CR1220 is used in most digital products where it serves as CMOS. However, it is still used as the main power source in some application areas. As a CMOS, it is mainly used for controlling the memory modules.

Keep reading as we get deeper into everything that you should know about CR1220. By the end of this guide, you will be in a perfect place to buy and choose the best CR1220 batteries from reliable suppliers and distributors.

CR1220 Specifications

Here is a summary of the CR1220 battery specifications

· Chemical composition: Lithium/Manganese dioxide (Li/Mn02)

· Positive electrode: Manganese dioxide

· Negative electrode Lithium

· Diameter: 12.5mm

· Height: 2.0mm

· Nominal voltage 3.0V

· Rated Capacity 40mAh

· Cutoff voltage: 2.0 V

Even as you pay attention to these specifications,  you should keep in mind that the exact figures may vary depending on the manufacturer. Additionally, confirm the power requirements of your products and the specifications of the battery. Ensure that they are compatible. 

Features and advantages of CR1220 batteries

Here are some of the notable features of CR1220 batteries that you should know:

· High voltage: With a nominal voltage of 3V, the battery provides adequate energy to power different devices.

· The battery has a very low self-discharge rate, a key factor that contributes to its reliability

· High weight-to-power ratio. Supplies more power despite being lightweight

·  Suitable for a wide range of applications

· Stable performance in different temperature ranges

· High voltage stability: The battery is designed to maintain constant and stable voltage for an extended period.

What are the limitations of the CR1220 battery?

 Power capacity is one of the biggest limitations of the CR1220 battery. With a voltage rating of 3V, it cannot be used in applications with higher power requirements.

CR1220 batteries are not rechargeable. Once it depletes its capacity, you will have to dispose of them.

CR1220 battery equivalent

When it comes to choosing and using coin cell batteries, there is always an allure of getting alternatives. So, what are the perfect alternatives to the CR1220 battery?

As we have seen from the specs,  CR1220 measures 12mm and 2.0mm. This alone implies that the alternative batteries should have the same dimensions. Once you have confirmed the size factor, the next thing is power requirements and specifications.

Here are some of the most common CR1220 alternatives:

· DL1220: This is also a lithium-ion coin cell battery that has the same specifications as the CR1220 battery. It also has a nominal voltage of 3V and its dimensions are similar to the CR1220.

· Energizer ECR1220: Manufactured by  Energizer, this is another lithium-based battery that you can use in place of the CR1220.

· BR1220: BR is a non-rechargeable battery that you can also use in the place of CR1220 battery

· SB-T13 battery: This lithium battery is manufactured by different brands including Duracell. It is an ideal equivalent of the CR1220.

Applications of CR1220 batteries

Given their size and properties, here are some of the most common applications of CR1220 batteries:

· Electronic toys: These batteries have sufficient energy to power most electronic toys in the market. It can power functions such as lighting and even mechanical forces that are needed in these toys

· Car keyless entry systems

· Calculators

· Glucose monitors: These are devices used for testing the level of blood sugar. The small sizes of these batteries make it possible to do so. Other than the primary functionality, the battery can even power the display unit.

· Cardiac pacemakers

· Hear-rate monitors

· Memory backup devices

· Electronic watches

What kind of application or product are you building? In case it will require a reliable coin cell battery, then you should consider choosing CR1220 batteries.

CR1220 Manufacturers

Who are the largest manufacturers of CR1220 batteries?   For years, Panasonic was the biggest manufacturer of the CR1220 batteries. However,  many other players have jumped into the game and now we have several manufacturers.

Other than Panasonic, we have other reputable brands such as Toshiba, Renata, Murata, Energizer, and many others. China hosts a good number of manufacturers.

Reputable distributors and suppliers always source these batteries from the best manufacturers.  So, when it comes to buying, you should inquire about the brand of the battery. This is why it is always advisable to work with such suppliers in case you want to get quality and original CR1220 batteries.

In some cases, you may request a supplier to get you CR1220 from specific manufacturers. Take your time to know what each manufacturer has to offer. This will give you an upper hand when it comes to placing orders.


Now that you know all the essentials about the CR1220 battery, you can proceed and get one with full confidence. All you need is to analyze the specific needs of your application and then get the right battery to deliver performance and as well as reliability.

One way of ensuring that you get a high-quality CR1220 battery is by choosing to work with the best suppliers and distributors. This is quite important especially if you intend to buy CR1220 batteries in bulk. We at ICRFQ are always ready to help you when it comes to purchasing coin cell batteries. We source our CR1220 batteries from the best suppliers around the world. You should proceed to contact us and we will be glad to work together so that you can get exactly what you need.