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Home > Top 10 Electronic Components Distributors In Germany

Top 10 Electronic Components Distributors In Germany

Last Updated on December 18,2023 by Kevin Chen

Electronics Components Distributors In Germany

We all know that Germany is the industrial hub of Europe. Most electrical, digital, and technological products are manufactured in Germany. It is among the top leaders of the technological evolution on the global scene. Germany will always be there whether it is automotive, aviation, military, home appliance, space exploration, telecommunication, or any other industry. At the center of all these developments are the electronic components. They are the driving forces of all devices, gadgets, appliances, and systems. Several components are put together to make a complete functional product.

Where do all these manufacturers, and builders in Germany get their components from? They get them from electronic component distributors who can supply components in bulk. Usually, these distributors source the components from manufacturers worldwide and then supply them to businesses that need them for their products. In this article, I will review some of the best electronic component distributors in Germany.



Where else to start from if not Germany’s original brand? Rutronik is a franchised distributor of electronic components that has established deep roots in Germany. Even as a global electronic components distributor, it has its headquarters in Germany. This alone should be one of the key reasons why you should consider buying your electronic components from the brand. Established in 1973, Rutronik is an independent family-owned business that has grown to be a major name in the electronic component distribution supply chain. The company has spread its wings beyond Germany and has several distribution centers around the world.

Rutronik offers a broad range of electronic components including semiconductors, and passive and electromechanical components. The company also stocks wireless products and display modules that are used in different applications. You can easily purchase products on the site using the Rutronik24 e-commerce platform. The site is designed to make it easy for buyers to find components, Furthermore, you can get all the technical and logistical help from the Rutronik customer care team.

Location: Eisingen near Pforzheim (Germany)

Blume  Elektronik GmbH

Blume Electronik is a Germany-based distributor that offers a wide range of electronic components that drive modern technology. The company stocks passive, electromechanical, and optoelectronic components, all of which are relevant in most applications. We source these components from the best brands in the world, a key factor that ensures our customers get high-quality components that can easily pass reliability tests. We are keen on offering customer-specific solutions, meaning that we handle each customer uniquely. We can even source customized electronic components that will meet your application needs. Our technical team has all that it takes to deliver the best customer service.



Marbach Elektronik works with electronic manufacturers that offer products that are specifically designed to meet the needs of their customers who are in the world of electronics. For example, if you are a designer of electronic devices and appliances, you may be a perfect customer for the brand. Whether you are seeking brand-new IC chips, hard-to-find components, or even obsolete components in Germany, Marbach is in a perfect position to give you the right solution for your business. We also provide a wide range of passive components that run the world of modern electronics. We also have connectors that are vital in the implementation of various electronic projects.

A key attribute of Marbach is openness. We lay out all the key details about us. For instance, we have published a list of all our suppliers and you can easily check them out on the website. We have partnered with the best names in the industry to deliver quality products and services.

Location: Marbach elektronik gmbh Auhofstra?e 18a D-63741 Aschaffenburg

DigiKey Germany


DigiKey is a  global leading distributor of electronic components that has established a solid foundation in Germany. Founded in 1972, the company has experienced tremendous growth and now ranks among the best and largest electronic component suppliers in the world.   The fact that it is a privately owned company means that customers are assured of getting quality products and customer services.

By choosing to buy in DigiKey, you will enjoy direct access to more than 2,700,000 pieces of electronic components awaiting to be shipped to various destinations. The company has put adequate structures to minimize incidences of lead times for all the in-stock products. They also have an efficient customer support team that is dedicated to ensuring that customers are fully satisfied before and after purchasing electronic components.  Additionally, the company provides adequate resources that can serve as learning materials for the buyers and electric engineers. Being a big brand, DigiKey has deep knowledge of the supply chain of electronic components.  You can get the rarest or hard-to-find components from the company.

Address: Theresienh?he 11A, 80339 München, Germany


Online Components

Would you like to buy electronic components online in Germany? You should consider using the Online Components store. This is a mega store that has streamlined the process of buying electronic components. You can do so online using the company’s e-commerce platform.

Founded in 1999, Online Components has established some level of dominance in the global electronics market. Our inventory contains more than 400,000 pieces of in-stock electronic components. They are ready for shipping once purchased. These components are sourced from more than 300 brands that have been carefully selected by our procurement team. You can be sure of getting components from your favorite brand. We have a dedicated quality control team that ensures each piece of electronic component meets the required standards. Our customer reps are also available to help you when purchasing the components.


Heilind Electronics GmbH

At Heilind we specialize in distributing electronic components to small and large businesses in Germany. We have curated our business model to make it easy for B2B types of partnerships, especially when it comes to buying electronic components. It is through such collaborations that we can provide quality electronic components at competitive prices. Our inventory is easily accessible and you can easily select the electronic components that you need for your business. We have partnered with reputable logistics companies in Germany to facilitate fast shipping of all electronic components.

Address: Pfarrer-Huber-Ring 8, 83620 Feldkirchen-Westerham, Germany

Mouser  Electronics Germany


Mouser Electronics is a top-rated electronic components distributor at the global level. We deal with all types of electronic components that are used for powering modern technology. We have partnered with over 1200 industry-leading manufacturer brands to ensure that our customers in Germany get full access to all types of electronic components. This also ensures that components that are always in high demand are available at all times. As a brand, we specialize in the rapid introduction of the newest products and technologies, a factor that ensures that we are always at par with the evolving technology.

As a global brand, we are committed to ensuring that our customers get their orders in good time. This is made possible by the presence of our 27 offices around the world, including in Germany. You can easily walk into the office and be helped. We also have a state-of-the-art warehouse that facilitates fast shipping of our products.

Address: Elsenheimerstra?e 11, 80687 München, Germany


Future Electronics


At Future Electronics, our core mission is to constantly improve with the evolving technology. This explains our steady growth since the year that the company to date where we rank pretty well among established names in the industry. We are a customer-oriented brand that has always been committed to ensuring that our customers get the best in terms of products and services.

With more than 5500 employees, you can be sure of getting maximum customer support, whether it is technical or non-technical. We stock a broad array of electronic components for different applications. Our rich inventory of electronic parts and products is backed by world-class supply chain solutions and deep knowledge of the dynamics of the electronic components market.   We are also committed to offering custom solutions to our clients who want electronic components for manufacturing their products. Our working module ensures that we provide real-world solutions using personal approaches.

Address: Max-Planck-Stra?e 3, 85609 Aschheim, Germany


RS Components GmbH

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RS is a big player in the electronic components market. For more than 80 years, the company has been ensuring that engineers around the world get direct access to quality and reliable electronic components. We bridge the existing gap between component manufacturers and businesses that need the parts for their various applications. No matter how complex your system or application is, you can be sure of finding its components in our store. We have a comprehensive inventory online that makes it easy for customers to find and buy electronic components in Germany.

Address: Am Schlo? Eichhof 2, 36251 Bad Hersfeld, Germany

Choosing Electronic Component Distributors in Germany

Well, there you have it. Your options for electronic component distributors in Germany are unlimited. Which one should you choose from the list? After all, at the end of the day, you will have to end up with a single distributor that has the potential to deliver.

When it comes to making that final choice, there are several factors that you should consider. But before start looking for distributors, you should start by knowing your wants and needs. It is only after knowing your needs that you will be in a position to choose the right electronic component distributor for your business. Your needs may include the type of components that you need and, the volume of the components, among many other parameters. After listing down all your needs, you can proceed to assess the distributors.

Find out the ability of electronic component distributors to deliver the right quality and quantity of the components that you need. You can know the quality by tracing the source of the components that they stock.  Quantity is relevant since you would like to buy electronic components in bulk.

The price of electronic components will always matter when it comes to choosing distributors in Germany. You should choose a distributor whose price falls within your budget. Other than the actual price of the components, you should also evaluate other costs associated with buying components from different distributors. Do they offer free shipping?   Find out whether they have offers and discounts for the components.

Like when buying most products, you are likely to start by searching ‘electronic components near me in Germany.’. This is because the location will always matter when it comes to choosing suppliers and distributors. You can hope for lower shipping costs and other aftersales services when you choose a distributor that is located near your business. The good thing most electronic component distributors that we have reviewed have distribution centers in Germany. Other than delivering components straight to your location they can also provide additional technical support in Germany.

Finally, you should be keen on the reputation of the electronic component distributors in Germany.  This matters as it will determine the kind of goods and services that you will get. Find out what other people think about the distributors. Do they say good things about them or are they always in negative light? Read the reviews and ratings of the distributors.


From this article, it is clear that Germany’s electronic component distributor business is vibrant and characterized by top names in the game. It is quite competitive especially when we compare it to other countries that are at the same economic and technological levels. This is quite important, especially when we consider Germany’s position in Europe and at the global level. While most electronic component distributors in Germany have online shops, quite a good number have physical stores, meaning that you can easily walk into the store and procure the components that you need.

What if you are looking for high-quality but affordable electronic components? In this case, you may consider importing electronic components from China to Germany. To do this, you will have to find a distributor that will help you with the process. This is where Rantle East Electronic comes in. We are a reliable sourcing agent in China that can help you with the process. Just contact us and we will be glad to deliver.

Kevin Chen
Founder / Writer at Rantle East Electronic Trading Co.,Limited
I am Kevin Chen, I graduated from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2000. I am an electrical and electronic engineer with 23 years of experience, in charge of writting content for ICRFQ. I am willing use my experiences to create reliable and necessary electronic information to help our readers. We welcome readers to engage with us on various topics related to electronics such as IC chips, Diode, Transistor, Module, Relay, opticalcoupler, Connectors etc. Please feel free to share your thoughts and questions on these subjects with us. We look forward to hearing from you!
Home > Top 10 Electronic Components Distributors In Germany

Top 10 Electronic Components Distributors In Germany

Electronics Components Distributors In Germany

We all know that Germany is the industrial hub of Europe. Most electrical, digital, and technological products are manufactured in Germany. It is among the top leaders of the technological evolution on the global scene. Germany will always be there whether it is automotive, aviation, military, home appliance, space exploration, telecommunication, or any other industry. At the center of all these developments are the electronic components. They are the driving forces of all devices, gadgets, appliances, and systems. Several components are put together to make a complete functional product.

Where do all these manufacturers, and builders in Germany get their components from? They get them from electronic component distributors who can supply components in bulk. Usually, these distributors source the components from manufacturers worldwide and then supply them to businesses that need them for their products. In this article, I will review some of the best electronic component distributors in Germany.



Where else to start from if not Germany’s original brand? Rutronik is a franchised distributor of electronic components that has established deep roots in Germany. Even as a global electronic components distributor, it has its headquarters in Germany. This alone should be one of the key reasons why you should consider buying your electronic components from the brand. Established in 1973, Rutronik is an independent family-owned business that has grown to be a major name in the electronic component distribution supply chain. The company has spread its wings beyond Germany and has several distribution centers around the world.

Rutronik offers a broad range of electronic components including semiconductors, and passive and electromechanical components. The company also stocks wireless products and display modules that are used in different applications. You can easily purchase products on the site using the Rutronik24 e-commerce platform. The site is designed to make it easy for buyers to find components, Furthermore, you can get all the technical and logistical help from the Rutronik customer care team.

Location: Eisingen near Pforzheim (Germany)

Blume  Elektronik GmbH

Blume Electronik is a Germany-based distributor that offers a wide range of electronic components that drive modern technology. The company stocks passive, electromechanical, and optoelectronic components, all of which are relevant in most applications. We source these components from the best brands in the world, a key factor that ensures our customers get high-quality components that can easily pass reliability tests. We are keen on offering customer-specific solutions, meaning that we handle each customer uniquely. We can even source customized electronic components that will meet your application needs. Our technical team has all that it takes to deliver the best customer service.



Marbach Elektronik works with electronic manufacturers that offer products that are specifically designed to meet the needs of their customers who are in the world of electronics. For example, if you are a designer of electronic devices and appliances, you may be a perfect customer for the brand. Whether you are seeking brand-new IC chips, hard-to-find components, or even obsolete components in Germany, Marbach is in a perfect position to give you the right solution for your business. We also provide a wide range of passive components that run the world of modern electronics. We also have connectors that are vital in the implementation of various electronic projects.

A key attribute of Marbach is openness. We lay out all the key details about us. For instance, we have published a list of all our suppliers and you can easily check them out on the website. We have partnered with the best names in the industry to deliver quality products and services.

Location: Marbach elektronik gmbh Auhofstra?e 18a D-63741 Aschaffenburg

DigiKey Germany


DigiKey is a  global leading distributor of electronic components that has established a solid foundation in Germany. Founded in 1972, the company has experienced tremendous growth and now ranks among the best and largest electronic component suppliers in the world.   The fact that it is a privately owned company means that customers are assured of getting quality products and customer services.

By choosing to buy in DigiKey, you will enjoy direct access to more than 2,700,000 pieces of electronic components awaiting to be shipped to various destinations. The company has put adequate structures to minimize incidences of lead times for all the in-stock products. They also have an efficient customer support team that is dedicated to ensuring that customers are fully satisfied before and after purchasing electronic components.  Additionally, the company provides adequate resources that can serve as learning materials for the buyers and electric engineers. Being a big brand, DigiKey has deep knowledge of the supply chain of electronic components.  You can get the rarest or hard-to-find components from the company.

Address: Theresienh?he 11A, 80339 München, Germany


Online Components

Would you like to buy electronic components online in Germany? You should consider using the Online Components store. This is a mega store that has streamlined the process of buying electronic components. You can do so online using the company’s e-commerce platform.

Founded in 1999, Online Components has established some level of dominance in the global electronics market. Our inventory contains more than 400,000 pieces of in-stock electronic components. They are ready for shipping once purchased. These components are sourced from more than 300 brands that have been carefully selected by our procurement team. You can be sure of getting components from your favorite brand. We have a dedicated quality control team that ensures each piece of electronic component meets the required standards. Our customer reps are also available to help you when purchasing the components.


Heilind Electronics GmbH

At Heilind we specialize in distributing electronic components to small and large businesses in Germany. We have curated our business model to make it easy for B2B types of partnerships, especially when it comes to buying electronic components. It is through such collaborations that we can provide quality electronic components at competitive prices. Our inventory is easily accessible and you can easily select the electronic components that you need for your business. We have partnered with reputable logistics companies in Germany to facilitate fast shipping of all electronic components.

Address: Pfarrer-Huber-Ring 8, 83620 Feldkirchen-Westerham, Germany

Mouser  Electronics Germany


Mouser Electronics is a top-rated electronic components distributor at the global level. We deal with all types of electronic components that are used for powering modern technology. We have partnered with over 1200 industry-leading manufacturer brands to ensure that our customers in Germany get full access to all types of electronic components. This also ensures that components that are always in high demand are available at all times. As a brand, we specialize in the rapid introduction of the newest products and technologies, a factor that ensures that we are always at par with the evolving technology.

As a global brand, we are committed to ensuring that our customers get their orders in good time. This is made possible by the presence of our 27 offices around the world, including in Germany. You can easily walk into the office and be helped. We also have a state-of-the-art warehouse that facilitates fast shipping of our products.

Address: Elsenheimerstra?e 11, 80687 München, Germany


Future Electronics


At Future Electronics, our core mission is to constantly improve with the evolving technology. This explains our steady growth since the year that the company to date where we rank pretty well among established names in the industry. We are a customer-oriented brand that has always been committed to ensuring that our customers get the best in terms of products and services.

With more than 5500 employees, you can be sure of getting maximum customer support, whether it is technical or non-technical. We stock a broad array of electronic components for different applications. Our rich inventory of electronic parts and products is backed by world-class supply chain solutions and deep knowledge of the dynamics of the electronic components market.   We are also committed to offering custom solutions to our clients who want electronic components for manufacturing their products. Our working module ensures that we provide real-world solutions using personal approaches.

Address: Max-Planck-Stra?e 3, 85609 Aschheim, Germany


RS Components GmbH

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RS is a big player in the electronic components market. For more than 80 years, the company has been ensuring that engineers around the world get direct access to quality and reliable electronic components. We bridge the existing gap between component manufacturers and businesses that need the parts for their various applications. No matter how complex your system or application is, you can be sure of finding its components in our store. We have a comprehensive inventory online that makes it easy for customers to find and buy electronic components in Germany.

Address: Am Schlo? Eichhof 2, 36251 Bad Hersfeld, Germany

Choosing Electronic Component Distributors in Germany

Well, there you have it. Your options for electronic component distributors in Germany are unlimited. Which one should you choose from the list? After all, at the end of the day, you will have to end up with a single distributor that has the potential to deliver.

When it comes to making that final choice, there are several factors that you should consider. But before start looking for distributors, you should start by knowing your wants and needs. It is only after knowing your needs that you will be in a position to choose the right electronic component distributor for your business. Your needs may include the type of components that you need and, the volume of the components, among many other parameters. After listing down all your needs, you can proceed to assess the distributors.

Find out the ability of electronic component distributors to deliver the right quality and quantity of the components that you need. You can know the quality by tracing the source of the components that they stock.  Quantity is relevant since you would like to buy electronic components in bulk.

The price of electronic components will always matter when it comes to choosing distributors in Germany. You should choose a distributor whose price falls within your budget. Other than the actual price of the components, you should also evaluate other costs associated with buying components from different distributors. Do they offer free shipping?   Find out whether they have offers and discounts for the components.

Like when buying most products, you are likely to start by searching ‘electronic components near me in Germany.’. This is because the location will always matter when it comes to choosing suppliers and distributors. You can hope for lower shipping costs and other aftersales services when you choose a distributor that is located near your business. The good thing most electronic component distributors that we have reviewed have distribution centers in Germany. Other than delivering components straight to your location they can also provide additional technical support in Germany.

Finally, you should be keen on the reputation of the electronic component distributors in Germany.  This matters as it will determine the kind of goods and services that you will get. Find out what other people think about the distributors. Do they say good things about them or are they always in negative light? Read the reviews and ratings of the distributors.


From this article, it is clear that Germany’s electronic component distributor business is vibrant and characterized by top names in the game. It is quite competitive especially when we compare it to other countries that are at the same economic and technological levels. This is quite important, especially when we consider Germany’s position in Europe and at the global level. While most electronic component distributors in Germany have online shops, quite a good number have physical stores, meaning that you can easily walk into the store and procure the components that you need.

What if you are looking for high-quality but affordable electronic components? In this case, you may consider importing electronic components from China to Germany. To do this, you will have to find a distributor that will help you with the process. This is where Rantle East Electronic comes in. We are a reliable sourcing agent in China that can help you with the process. Just contact us and we will be glad to deliver.