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Electronic Components Manufacturer - Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div

Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div
Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div Distributor
RANTLE EAST ELECTRONIC is a leading independent electronic components distributor of Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div Electronic Parts. Browse the part number by Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div to find the electronic components you need. Once you find the Atmel electronic components and parts you are looking for, you can simply use the Request Quote Form to submit a request for quote (RFQ), and we will contact you quickly. If you have a Spreadsheet/BOM, you can email your list to [email protected]
Omron is one of the world's leading suppliers of advanced, reliable electronic controls and systems. You can count on us to provide you with the latest technology and to provide you with superior quality and performance in every product area we participate in. From relays to advanced machine visions system, nobody offers a better performance value than Omron. We also offer global service and sales support from more than 1,500 offices worldwide. Wherever you are, or wherever your customer is, Omron is there to help.

Relays - Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div Electronic Components & Parts:

Part Number Image Description Action
G2R-1A-DC18 G2R-1A-DC18 General Purpose Relay SPST-NO (1 Form A) 18VDC Coil Through Hole
G2R-1A-H-DC12 G2R-1A-H-DC12 General Purpose Relay SPST-NO (1 Form A) 12VDC Coil Through Hole
G2R-1A4-T130 DC15 G2R-1A4-T130 DC15 General Purpose Relay SPST-NO (1 Form A) 15VDC Coil Through Hole
G5RL-1A-LN DC12 G5RL-1A-LN DC12 General Purpose Relay SPST-NO (1 Form A) 12VDC Coil Through Hole
G5RL-1A-E-LN DC24 G5RL-1A-E-LN DC24 General Purpose Relay SPST-NO (1 Form A) 24VDC Coil Through Hole
G2RL-24 DC48 G2RL-24 DC48 General Purpose Relay DPDT (2 Form C) 48VDC Coil Through Hole
G6HK-2-100-DC5 G6HK-2-100-DC5 Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Through Hole
G6HK-2-100-DC3 G6HK-2-100-DC3 Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Through Hole
G6HK-2-100-DC12 G6HK-2-100-DC12 Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Through Hole
G6H-2F-TR DC6 G6H-2F-TR DC6 Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Surface Mount
G6H-2F-TR DC48 G6H-2F-TR DC48 Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Surface Mount
G6H-2F-TR DC3 G6H-2F-TR DC3 Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Surface Mount
G6H-2F-TL DC5 G6H-2F-TL DC5 Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Surface Mount
G6SU-2F-TR DC3 G6SU-2F-TR DC3 Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Surface Mount
G6K-2F-Y DC12 G6K-2F-Y DC12 Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Surface Mount
G6K-2P-Y DC5 G6K-2P-Y DC5 Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Through Hole
G2R-14-DC48 G2R-14-DC48 General Purpose Relay SPDT (1 Form C) 48VDC Coil Through Hole
G2RL-2-CF DC24 G2RL-2-CF DC24 General Purpose Relay DPDT (2 Form C) 24VDC Coil Through Hole
G2R-1A-DC12 G2R-1A-DC12 General Purpose Relay SPST-NO (1 Form A) 12VDC Coil Through Hole
G5RL-U1-E-DC12 G5RL-U1-E-DC12 General Purpose Relay SPDT (1 Form C) 12VDC Coil Through Hole
G6Z-1PE DC4.5 G6Z-1PE DC4.5 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole
G6Z-1PE DC3 G6Z-1PE DC3 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole
G6Z-1PE-A DC9 G6Z-1PE-A DC9 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole
G6ZU-1F-A DC24 G6ZU-1F-A DC24 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Surface Mount
G6ZU-1F-A DC12 G6ZU-1F-A DC12 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Surface Mount
G6ZK-1PE DC9 G6ZK-1PE DC9 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole
G6ZK-1PE DC5 G6ZK-1PE DC5 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole
G6ZK-1PE DC4.5 G6ZK-1PE DC4.5 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole
G6ZK-1PE DC24 G6ZK-1PE DC24 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole
G6ZK-1PE DC12 G6ZK-1PE DC12 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole
G6ZK-1PE-A DC9 G6ZK-1PE-A DC9 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole
G6ZK-1PE-A DC5 G6ZK-1PE-A DC5 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole
G6ZK-1PE-A DC4.5 G6ZK-1PE-A DC4.5 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole
G6ZK-1P DC9 G6ZK-1P DC9 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole
G6ZK-1P DC5 G6ZK-1P DC5 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole
G6ZK-1P DC4.5 G6ZK-1P DC4.5 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole
G6K-2F-RF-S DC9 G6K-2F-RF-S DC9 RF Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Surface Mount
G6S-2F DC24 G6S-2F DC24 Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Surface Mount
G2R-1A4-DC48 G2R-1A4-DC48 General Purpose Relay SPST-NO (1 Form A) 48VDC Coil Through Hole
G6RL-14-SR-ASI-SP DC24 G6RL-14-SR-ASI-SP DC24 General Purpose Relay SPDT (1 Form C) 24VDC Coil Through Hole
G6BK-1114P-1-US DC9 G6BK-1114P-1-US DC9 General Purpose Relay SPST-NO (1 Form A) 9VDC Coil Through Hole
G2R-14-7DC24 G2R-14-7DC24 General Purpose Relay SPDT (1 Form C) 24VDC Coil Through Hole
G2RL-1-H DC24 G2RL-1-H DC24 General Purpose Relay SPDT (1 Form C) 24VDC Coil Through Hole
G2RL-1-H DC12 G2RL-1-H DC12 General Purpose Relay SPDT (1 Form C) 12VDC Coil Through Hole
G2RL-2-CF DC12 G2RL-2-CF DC12 General Purpose Relay DPDT (2 Form C) 12VDC Coil Through Hole
G6ZK-1F DC9 G6ZK-1F DC9 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Surface Mount
G6ZK-1F DC5 G6ZK-1F DC5 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Surface Mount
G6ZK-1F DC4.5 G6ZK-1F DC4.5 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Surface Mount
G6ZK-1F DC3 G6ZK-1F DC3 RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Surface Mount
Home > Manufacturers > Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div

Electronic Components Manufacturers

Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div

Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div Distributor

RANTLE EAST ELECTRONIC is a leading independent electronic components distributor of Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div Electronic Parts. Browse the part number by Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div to find the electronic components you need. Once you find the Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div electronic components and parts you are looking for, you can simply use the Request Quote Form to submit a request for quote (RFQ), and we will contact you quickly. If you have a Spreadsheet/BOM, you can email your list to [email protected]

Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div Components & Parts:

Part Number: G2R-1A-DC18
Description: General Purpose Relay SPST-NO (1 Form A) 18VDC Coil Through Hole

Part Number: G2R-1A-H-DC12
Description: General Purpose Relay SPST-NO (1 Form A) 12VDC Coil Through Hole

G2R-1A4-T130 DC15
Part Number: G2R-1A4-T130 DC15
Description: General Purpose Relay SPST-NO (1 Form A) 15VDC Coil Through Hole

Part Number: G5RL-1A-LN DC12
Description: General Purpose Relay SPST-NO (1 Form A) 12VDC Coil Through Hole

Part Number: G5RL-1A-E-LN DC24
Description: General Purpose Relay SPST-NO (1 Form A) 24VDC Coil Through Hole

G2RL-24 DC48
Part Number: G2RL-24 DC48
Description: General Purpose Relay DPDT (2 Form C) 48VDC Coil Through Hole

Part Number: G6HK-2-100-DC5
Description: Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Through Hole

Part Number: G6HK-2-100-DC3
Description: Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Through Hole

Part Number: G6HK-2-100-DC12
Description: Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Through Hole

Part Number: G6H-2F-TR DC6
Description: Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Surface Mount

G6H-2F-TR DC48
Part Number: G6H-2F-TR DC48
Description: Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Surface Mount

Part Number: G6H-2F-TR DC3
Description: Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Surface Mount

Part Number: G6H-2F-TL DC5
Description: Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Surface Mount

Part Number: G6SU-2F-TR DC3
Description: Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Surface Mount

G5Q-14 DC48
Part Number: G5Q-14 DC48

G6K-2F-Y DC12
Part Number: G6K-2F-Y DC12
Description: Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Surface Mount

G6K-2P-Y DC5
Part Number: G6K-2P-Y DC5
Description: Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Through Hole

Part Number: G2R-14-DC48
Description: General Purpose Relay SPDT (1 Form C) 48VDC Coil Through Hole

G2RL-2-CF DC24
Part Number: G2RL-2-CF DC24
Description: General Purpose Relay DPDT (2 Form C) 24VDC Coil Through Hole

Part Number: G2R-1A-DC12
Description: General Purpose Relay SPST-NO (1 Form A) 12VDC Coil Through Hole

Part Number: G5RL-U1-E-DC12
Description: General Purpose Relay SPDT (1 Form C) 12VDC Coil Through Hole

G6Z-1PE DC4.5
Part Number: G6Z-1PE DC4.5
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole

Part Number: G6Z-1PE DC3
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole

Part Number: G6Z-1PE-A DC9
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole

G6ZU-1F-A DC24
Part Number: G6ZU-1F-A DC24
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Surface Mount

G6ZU-1F-A DC12
Part Number: G6ZU-1F-A DC12
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Surface Mount

Part Number: G6ZK-1PE DC9
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole

Part Number: G6ZK-1PE DC5
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole

G6ZK-1PE DC4.5
Part Number: G6ZK-1PE DC4.5
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole

Part Number: G6ZK-1PE DC24
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole

Part Number: G6ZK-1PE DC12
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole

Part Number: G6ZK-1PE-A DC9
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole

Part Number: G6ZK-1PE-A DC5
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole

G6ZK-1PE-A DC4.5
Part Number: G6ZK-1PE-A DC4.5
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole

Part Number: G6ZK-1P DC9
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole

Part Number: G6ZK-1P DC5
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole

G6ZK-1P DC4.5
Part Number: G6ZK-1P DC4.5
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Through Hole

Part Number: G6K-2F-RF-S DC9
Description: RF Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Surface Mount

G6S-2F DC24
Part Number: G6S-2F DC24
Description: Telecom Relay DPDT (2 Form C) Surface Mount

Part Number: G2R-1A4-DC48
Description: General Purpose Relay SPST-NO (1 Form A) 48VDC Coil Through Hole

Part Number: G6RL-14-SR-ASI-SP DC24
Description: General Purpose Relay SPDT (1 Form C) 24VDC Coil Through Hole

G6BK-1114P-1-US DC9
Part Number: G6BK-1114P-1-US DC9
Description: General Purpose Relay SPST-NO (1 Form A) 9VDC Coil Through Hole

Part Number: G2R-14-7DC24
Description: General Purpose Relay SPDT (1 Form C) 24VDC Coil Through Hole

G2RL-1-H DC24
Part Number: G2RL-1-H DC24
Description: General Purpose Relay SPDT (1 Form C) 24VDC Coil Through Hole

G2RL-1-H DC12
Part Number: G2RL-1-H DC12
Description: General Purpose Relay SPDT (1 Form C) 12VDC Coil Through Hole

G2RL-2-CF DC12
Part Number: G2RL-2-CF DC12
Description: General Purpose Relay DPDT (2 Form C) 12VDC Coil Through Hole

Part Number: G6ZK-1F DC9
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Surface Mount

Part Number: G6ZK-1F DC5
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Surface Mount

G6ZK-1F DC4.5
Part Number: G6ZK-1F DC4.5
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Surface Mount

Part Number: G6ZK-1F DC3
Description: RF Relay SPDT (1 Form C) Surface Mount
